Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Mommy on the go

Wow! Hey my babes, it’s been forever since I have even wrote a blog, and of course if you follow me on instagram you know I am a new mommy to be and wow this has been some journey, I would love to do an update for you all, my plan was to blog my journey but it’s been so tough adjusting being pregnant and working. So I decided to take my off days and go visit Austin,Tx which has to be one of the coolest places. You come here and some how just feel so inspired by the way of life and all the cool places here. So this is my first fashion blog since being preggers. It was definitely tough adjusting to my body and learning the new angles. So I hope you enjoy a few of these picture and I will definitely be back with more blogs. Thank you all for your continuous support. 

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