Thursday, September 28, 2017

Long tee vibes

Hey babes back at it with another post I'm on a roll. Sharing some more outfits with you, styling is my fav and when your into fashion you don't just stick to one style or one trend you switch it up. Like I said I've been feeling the sock bootie trend so I'm showing you ways to style them and hopefully you will find a fit you enjoy it use this as inspiration to bounce off your own outfit. My fav has also starting to wear guys clothing, my sister would always do this and I thought she was crazy, but now I get it, sometimes they have really cute stuff. But if you want things to fit oversized then get guys clothing for that affect.  I truly love doing this for you all and thanks for the constant support. How you you style you booties or sock booties? I will link the details below 

Jacket: here | Tee: (similar) here | Boots: here
Follow my insta here


Saturday, September 23, 2017

Is it really Fall..?

Hey babes alway so exciting when I shoot new content for the blog. I wanted to give you all some fall vibes... But umm I live in southern Texas... We don't know what fall is but hey.. Dress for the season not the weather.. So I'll be rolling out the fall vibes. I've been obsessed with the jogger look but dressing it up. I love being comfortable but super fab and cute. So I for sure will be buying more cute joggers. Honestly why haven't I been on the sick bootie trend. Like now I'm obsessed with them I need them in every style. So I decided to pair them with this look. I can't wait to show you all more fall looks. What's your fave fall look? 

Monday, September 11, 2017

Purple Fall Glitter

Hey babes, back with another post! Yes it's a makeup post I feel I strayed from those and we're doing more fashion! So I'm trying to mix it all in! I also did a poll on Twitter and you all said you were more interested in lifestyle and beauty as well so I will for sure have some good lifestyle post coming up! I'm having a lot going on with life but I will squeeze in the time to blog and do YouTube as on this new video I promised 1 video every week not sure about blogs I usually can do 3-4 a week not sure if that too much. But okay to the good stuff.. WHOS FREAKING READY FOR FALL!!! I am! I love everything about fall! So fall everything coming your way! I started off with a purple look not too dramatic just yet but I think it very sultry and appropriate for fall. What other fall looks do you all want?

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